How Modern Health's SDR team increased conversion rates by 45% with Actively

How Modern Health's SDR team increased conversion rates by 45% with Actively

How Modern Health's SDR team increased conversion rates by 45% with Actively

How Modern Health's SDR team increased conversion rates by 45% with Actively

The numbers and feedback both point to an obvious conclusion: Actively is a no-brainer for every outbound team! Every day, our reps can identify the right contacts at the right accounts with the right messaging at the right time. We are driving more quality pipeline as a result, which is a top priority for our company.

— Hannah Willson, SVP Sales

The company: Mental health for everyone

Modern Health is a mental well-being platform that helps innovative companies and their employees thrive. A Series D female founded-company, Modern Health partners with companies like Pixar, Electronic Arts, Gusto, and Okta that take a proactive effort to mental health for their employees. The company has over 800 employees and a $1.7B valuation.

The challenge: Continuous prioritization of accounts + contacts

Modern Health has the benefit and challenge of a large TAM. Within a company, mental health can be a priority for a variety of personas, including Benefits, Wellness, HR, Total Rewards, and CHROs, resulting in many potential contacts that can be engaged.

Under this backdrop, the outbound team of 16 SDRs has been tasked with supporting ambitious pipeline targets, with almost half of MH’s business historically coming from outbound. To help tackle this TAM, the team has invested in data tools such as LinkedIn Sales Nav, Demandbase, Crunchbase, and ZoomInfo.

However, with 250-750 accounts per rep and an "unassigned" pool of over 100,000 accounts, the SDR team faces a daily challenge of identifying: which accounts should we focus on today?Instead of prospecting, SDRs were spending 5-10 hours a week selecting accounts and contacts by analyzing signals and prior engagement (emails, CL notes, marketing interactions, call transcripts). This vast TAM, coupled with a cumbersome process of account prioritization severely limited SDRs' ability to engage with high-potential leads, directly impacting pipeline growth.

The solution: AI-enabled prospecting

To help maximize SDR efficiency and solve the prioritization challenge, Modern Health rolled out Actively AI to the entire SDR teams across mid-market, enterprise, and strategic segments.

Actively AI's software:

  • Built accurate ML models that learned what factors predict higher conversion from Closed Won data

  • Processed the multitude of 3rd party signals, intent data and crucially the 1st party data (email replies, call transcripts, CL notes, etc.) at scale to continuously score contacts and accounts, using AI and LLMs

  • Provides a live updating hit list in CRM + Outreach for each rep with a ranked set of prospects and accounts to focus on and auto-generated explanations that power rapid personalization

  • Verifies the email and job status (LinkedIn) of every recommended prospect, saving 45 minutes a day per rep

What do SDRs think about it?

Jared Geredes (ENT SDR) and Julia Meagher (MM SDR), say, "Since using Actively, it has become our north star for all prospecting efforts. It's truly a time saver in the way that it puts all my hottest accounts and contacts in front of us every day and generates personalization based on past activity/content engagement/and ICP fit. We are consistently booking meetings with accounts we weren’t previously focusing on – 10/10 recommend!"

The payoff: Higher conversion and activity rate

Usually, when you increase activity, conversion rates tend to drop. With Actively, that’s not the case! Modern Health has seen:

  • 45% higher conversion rate — In A/B tests, Actively AI recommended accounts convert to qualified opps at 45% higher rates than non-Actively AI recommended accounts

  • 38% increase in net new contacts sequenced — Jared (SDR) ran an A/B test where he prospected with Actively and without Actively for a few days each. When he used Actively, he was able to touch 38% more contacts (and 22% more accounts), because he had the list of prospects and the necessary personalization at his fingertips. Without Actively, he spent hours developing POVs on accounts and verifying whether relevant contacts were still at the company.

  • $18M in attributed pipeline — Actively AI recommendations, within 5 months of launch, have materialized in $18M in pipeline for the MH team. Crucially, over $6M of this pipeline came from "unassigned" accounts that were not being worked before, because Actively can identify the top leads within this pool and round robin them to SDRs at the right time.

The Actively AI team isn’t stopping there.

Jess Podlofsky, Senior Manager of Sales Development says, "We’ve been amazed with how fast Actively AI has shipped new features that continue to make our SDRs more efficient. The team also deeply invests in customer success, constantly asking for and responding to our feedback and spending time with our users!"

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Ready to supercharge your sales team?

See how Actively AI agents can help you drive more pipeline, faster.

Ready to supercharge your sales team?

See how Actively AI agents can help you drive more pipeline, faster.

Ready to supercharge your sales team?

See how Actively AI agents can help you drive more pipeline, faster.


Building the future of outbound with AI + automation.

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Building the future of outbound with AI + automation.

Copyright © 2024 Taurus Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Building the future of outbound with AI + automation.

Copyright © 2024 Taurus Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Building the future of outbound with AI + automation.

Copyright © 2024 Taurus Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved